Diseases of Childhood

Many children’s diseases are caused by vitiation of breast milk.  When vitiated milk is consumed, it will cause the corresponding disease in the nursing child.  A simple method of detoxifying the milk is to give the mother Haridra root (turmeric / Curcuma longa).Many other children’s diseases are caused by unseen biological forces called Graha.  In diseases of Graha the treatments based upon Tridosha siddhanta do not work.  This makes these diseases difficult to cure using herbal therapies.  Instead, spiritual healing is often used.

Mild diseases should be treated using simple methods.  For example, bedwetting can be treated by feeding the child each day with one or two pieces of dried Kharjura fruit (date / Phoenix dactylifera).

Stanyadosha (Diseases of Breast Milk)

p1010345Milk that becomes homogenous when mixed with water (mixes evenly) is considered to be pure.  Milk that does not mix evenly is vitiated, and must be purified.

Children diseases caused by defects of breast milk are classified into seven categories: Vata, Pitta, Kapha, Sannipata, Vata-Pitta, Vata-Kapha, and Pitta-Kapha.  Different doshas will cause different signs of vitiation.  Combinations of more than one dosha will cause a mixture of defects to appear in the milk.

General medicines to purify the milk are found in the Mustadigna or the Aragwadhadi group of herbs mentioned in the Susruta Samhita.  Some of these are emetics, an important method of purification.  Choice of which herb to use requires a skilled physician.

In addition, it is important for women to pay attention to the swelling and pain in the breasts during menses.  Normally this will be slight, and the breasts will return to normal condition quickly.  Otherwise this indicates that there is blockage that must be corrected using hot compresses or hot fomentation to clean the duct systems to keep the breasts healthy.  A combination of herbs that can be used as a paste are equal parts Dhatura leaf (downy datura /Datura metal), Haridra root (turmeric / Curcuma longa), Ahiphenam seed (poppy / Papaver somniferum) and Shilajita Rasayana.

The Aragwadhadi group includes:

  1. Rajavriksa pulp (Indian laburnum / aragwadha / Cassia fistula)
  2. Madanam fruit (Randia dumetorum)
  3. Kutaja bark (Holarrhena antidysenterica)
  4. Patha root (Stephania hernandifolia)
  5. Kantakari herb (Black nightshade / Solanum xanthocarpum)
  6. Patala root/bark (Stereospermum personatum)
  7. Murva plant (Bauhinia vahli)
  8. Saptaparna bark (dita bark / Alstonia scholaris)
  9. Nimba leaf (neem / Azadirachta indica)
  10. Karanja bark/seed oil (Indian beech / Pongamia pinnata)
  11. Patola fruit (Trichosanthes dioica)
  12. Kiratatiktam plant (Swertia chirata)
  13. Guduchi stem (Tinospora cordifolia)
  14. Chitraka root (leadwort, white flower / Plumbago zeylanica)

The Mustadigana group includes:

  1. Musta tuber (nut grass / Cyperus rotundus, big)
  2. Haridra root (turmeric / Curcuma longa)
  3. Daruharidra bark (barberry / Berberis nepalensis)
  4. Haritaki fruit (Terminalia chebula)
  5. Amalaki fruit (Indian gooseberry / amla / Phyllanthus emblica)
  6. Kustha root (Saussurea lappa)
  7. Patha root (Stephania hernandifolia)
  8. Kutaki rhizome (Indian gentian / Picrorhiza kurroa)
  9. Ativisha tuber, purified (aconite / Aconitum heterophyllum)
  10. Bhallataka fruit/purified seeds (marking nut tree / Semecarpus anacardium)
  11. Chitraka root (leadwort, white flower / Plumbago zeylanica)

Vataja Milk Defects

Milk vitiated by Vata will be astringent, tasteless, frothy and dry, and if dropped in water will float.  This kind of milk causes constipation, gas and weakness in the child.  It is treated with the remedies for purification of milk along with general remedies for Vata.   One useful formula is Dashamula churna (powder), 1-2 grams of the powder with honey twice daily. This mixture is also given to infant by placing a little drop on the tongue.

Pittaja Milk Defects

Milk vitiated by Pitta will be hot, sour, pungent and yellowish.  It will produce a yellow color if dropped into water.  Such milk causes dysentery, jaundice, thirst and other characteristic symptoms in the child. It is treated with the remedies for purification of milk along with general remedies for Pitta, to be taken by both mother and baby.

Kaphaja Milk Defects

Milk which is vitiated by Kapha will be sticky, overly sweet, and thick.  It will sink if dropped into water.  Such milk will cause vomiting, swelling of the face, excessive salivation and sleepiness in the child. It is treated with the remedies for purification of milk along with general remedies for Kapha treatment, to be taken by both the mother and the baby.

Combined Dosha Milk Defects

Mother’s milk defects with combined characters can be Vata-Pittaja, Vata-Kaphaja, or Pitta-Kaphaja.  This kind of milk can be cause of entry of unseen biological forces (grahas).  Treatment of graha-related disorders are mentioned below.

Sannipataja Milk Defects

Mother’s milk with the character of Sannipata contains all the defects mentioned under Vata, Pitta and Kapha. This kind of milk causes aphasia, poliomyelitis etc.  Treatments for these diseases are mentioned below.

Additional headings in this chapter*

Phakka (Beriberi / Polyneuritis)
Revatigraha Dosha (Epidemic Cerebrospinal Meningitis)
Skandagraha Dosha (Poliomyelitis)
Skandapasmaragraha Dosha (Aseptic Meningitis)
Shakunigraha Dosha (Herpangina A Type)
Revatigraha Dosha (Herpangina B Type)
Putanagraha Dosha (Enterovirus Gastritis A Type)
Andhaputanagraha Dosha (Enterovirus Gastritis B Type)
Shitaputanagraha Dosha (Enterovirus Gastritis C Type)
Mukhamandika (Renal Cortical Necrosis)
Naigamesagraha Dosha (Hypocalcemic Tetany)
Balagraha Dosha Upadrava (Childhood Leukemia)
Mastulungakshaya (Atrophy Of The Brain)
Upashirsaka (Hydrocephalus)
Karnasrava (Otorrhea)
Putikarna (Purulent Otitis Media)
Karnapaka (Aural Infection)
Utpata (Infection Of Earring Hole)
Talukantaka (Polyp Of The Palate)
Rohini (Diphtheria)
Dantajanma (Teething Sickness)
Sahajarsha (Congenital Hemorrhoid)
Ashmari (Bladderstone)
Kukunaka (Blepharitis)
Masurika (Smallpox)
Pramehajanya (Chickenpox)
Romantika (Measles)
Ajagallika (Verruca Plana Juveniles)
Jatumani (Nevus)
Ahiputana (Perianal Candidiasis)
Charmadalakhya (Candidiasis)
Arumsika (Pediculosis)
Mahapadmavisarpa (Cellulitis)
Parigarbhika (Pining Sickness Of Children)
Muka (Aphasia)
Nabhipaka (Infection Of The Umbilicus)

*To acquire the complete contents of “Ayurveda In Nepal: The Bajracharya Samhita” please click here.

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