
This website and the book associated with it represent the teachings of the late Vaidya Mana Bajra Bajracharya of Kathmandu, a highly skilled Newari physician representing a 700 year hereditary tradition of Ayurveda in Nepal.   img_0180The present endeavor is a condensed work, much like an encyclopedia, providing a detailed overview of Ayurveda and the practice of medicine.  It is meant to function as a kind of index to the other 47 medical texts that Dr. Mana wrote in his lifetime, which contain highly detailed expositions of his clinical protocols.  While much of this material remains unpublished, it is the hope of the editors that by making the present work available to all, a greater interest can be established in Ayurveda and the future of Ayurveda in Nepal.

img_0206With intensive population pressures, rampant deforestation and ongoing political unrest, Nepal and its traditions are under threat.  Dr. Mana’s son Vaidya Madhu Bajra Bajracharya represents the very last in a lineage of traditional Ayurvedic physicians, pharmacists and wildcrafters, and the cumulative knowledge they contain is literally disappearing before our eyes.  Following in Dr. Mana’s stead, the editors strongly believe that it is crucial to the future of medicine and our shared human culture that these teachings and practices be preserved.  While this website provides much of the book’s contents for free, there are some parts under the disease section that are only found in the book version.  Please support Ayurveda in Nepal by either purchasing the book, or by making a small donation.

This work is an offering to the future of Nepal, to the future of Ayurveda and to the happiness and health of all sentient beings.

The Editors.

Vaidya Madhu Bajra Bajracharya (Kathmandu, Nepal):

Alan Tillotson, RH, L.Ac., PhD

Todd Caldecott, Dip Cl.H., RH(AHG):


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