Monthly Archive for April, 2010

Foreword by Dr. James (Jim) Duke

I first learned about the  extraordinary work of Vaidya Mana Bajra Bajracharya of Nepal from my colleague and his apprentice Dr. Alan Tillotson in the 1980’s.  I am very glad that Alan was able to engage the help of Dr Manas son Madhu Bajracharya in Kathmandu and Todd Caldecott of Canada to translate this text from the original Sanskrit . Continue reading ‘Foreword by Dr. James (Jim) Duke’

General Principles of Surgery

The principles of surgery are in general based upon the theory of balance.  However, the application of the theory is different.  Ayurvedic surgeons point out that cases of surgery have to be treated by dividing them into two stages.  The first or preparatory stage of treatment is concerned with subduing existing inflammation, and the second stage of treatment includes the actual operation and post-surgical healing. Continue reading ‘General Principles of Surgery’


This website and the book associated with it represent the teachings of the late Vaidya Mana Bajra Bajracharya of Kathmandu, a highly skilled Newari physician representing a 700 year hereditary tradition of Ayurveda in Nepal.    Continue reading ‘Introduction’

Diseases of the Eyes

According to Ayurveda the eye is created and maintained by the Fire Element.  As such, the eye is adversely affected by excess heat, and just as the tears of the eye, as well as the aqueous and viteous humors function to nourish and cool the eye, Ayurvedic recommends supportive measures to balance the Fire Element.  This includes hygienic measures such as washing the face three to four times a day, taking regular baths, a healthy diet, living and working in areas with adequate ventilation or outside in the fresh air, and the ancient practice of peering at the cooling rays of the moon. Continue reading ‘Diseases of the Eyes’

Diseases of the Mouth, Throat, Nose and Ears

Diseases of the head including the mouth, throat, nose, ears and eyes are described under the Shalakya Tantra, one of the eight limbs of Ayurveda.  The following is a summary of these treatments with the exception of diseases of the eyes, which are discussed separately. Continue reading ‘Diseases of the Mouth, Throat, Nose and Ears’

Diseases of Childhood

Many children’s diseases are caused by vitiation of breast milk.  When vitiated milk is consumed, it will cause the corresponding disease in the nursing child.  A simple method of detoxifying the milk is to give the mother Haridra root (turmeric / Curcuma longa). Continue reading ‘Diseases of Childhood’

Diseases of Pregnancy and Delivery

There are many factors that can affect pregnancy and delivery or damage the fetus.  Injury, excessive vibrations, incorrect postures, lack of sleep, emotional distress (quarrels and fights), poor digestion, poor diet and defects in the paternal semen are examples.  Management of a pregnant woman requires caution.  As much as possible, diseases of pregnant women should be managed with a soft, sweet diet and pleasant surroundings.  Strong measures like emesis or bloodletting are used only in emergencies. Continue reading ‘Diseases of Pregnancy and Delivery’

Diseases of Tissue Metabolism

Ayurveda classifies the major components of the body as serum (rasa), blood (rakta), flesh (mamsa), fat (medas), bone (asthi), marrow (majja) and semen (shukra), collectively called the sapta (seven) dhatus (tissue elements).  It is important to note that these are broad categories, and each dhatu includes several different tissue types.  For example, the tissue element of flesh (mamsa) includes the nerves, skin, tendons, membranes and glands. Continue reading ‘Diseases of Tissue Metabolism’

Diseases of the Skin

While skin diseases have many different causes, in general they are the result of the habitual intake of unhealthy or incompatible foods (e.g. fish with milk, meat with honey, etc.), an excessive reliance upon certain tastes or qualities in food (e.g. excessively greasy, sour or heavy foods), improperly cooked foods, eating too often, poor digestion, suppression of the urge to vomit and irregular sleep.   Continue reading ‘Diseases of the Skin’

Theory of Spiritual Healing

The ancient Ayurvedic scholars analyzed all known physical and mental diseases one by one.  In doing so, they discovered that there are certain diseases that do not follow the theory of balance of the three bodily substances.  These diseases were classified into three groups: Continue reading ‘Theory of Spiritual Healing’